Source code for index_generator.views

import json
import logging
import itertools

from django.apps import apps
from django.db.models import Prefetch, Q

from rest_framework import viewsets
from rest_framework.response import Response
from rest_framework.decorators import action
from rest_framework.permissions import IsAdminUser

from common.mixins import LibrarySampleMultiEditMixin

from .models import Pool, PoolSize
from .index_generator import IndexGenerator
from .serializers import (
from library_sample_shared.serializers import IndexTypeSerializer
from django.conf import settings

Request = apps.get_model('request', 'Request')
IndexI7 = apps.get_model('library_sample_shared', 'IndexI7')
IndexI5 = apps.get_model('library_sample_shared', 'IndexI5')
Library = apps.get_model('library', 'Library')
Sample = apps.get_model('sample', 'Sample')
IndexType = apps.get_model('library_sample_shared','IndexType')

logger = logging.getLogger('db')

[docs]class MoveOtherMixin: """ Move the `Other` option to the end of the returning list. """
[docs] def list(self, request): queryset = self.filter_queryset(self.get_queryset()) page = self.paginate_queryset(queryset) if page is not None: serializer = self.get_serializer(page, many=True) return self.get_paginated_response(self._get_data(serializer)) serializer = self.get_serializer(queryset, many=True) return Response(self._get_data(serializer))
def _get_data(self, serializer): data = # Move the 'Other' option to the end of the list other_options = sorted([ x for x in data if 'Other' in x['name'] ], key=lambda x: x['name']) for other in other_options: index = data.index(other) data.append(data.pop(index)) return data
[docs]class GeneratorIndexTypeViewSet(MoveOtherMixin, viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet): """ Get the list of index types. """ queryset = IndexType.objects.order_by('name') serializer_class = IndexTypeSerializer
[docs]class PoolSizeViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet): """ Get the list of pool sizes. """ queryset = PoolSize.objects.all().filter(obsolete=settings.NON_OBSOLETE) serializer_class = PoolSizeSerializer
[docs]class IndexGeneratorViewSet(viewsets.ViewSet, LibrarySampleMultiEditMixin): permission_classes = [IsAdminUser] library_model = Library sample_model = Sample library_serializer = IndexGeneratorLibrarySerializer sample_serializer = IndexGeneratorSampleSerializer
[docs] def list(self, request): """ Get the list of libraries and samples ready for pooling. """ libraries_qs = Library.objects.select_related( 'library_protocol', 'read_length', 'index_type', ).prefetch_related( 'index_type__indices_i7', 'index_type__indices_i5', ).filter( Q(is_pooled=False) & Q(index_i7__isnull=False) & (Q(status=2) | Q(status=-2)) ).only( 'id', 'name', 'barcode', 'index_i7', 'index_i5', 'sequencing_depth', 'library_protocol__name', 'read_length__id', 'index_type__id', 'index_type__format', 'index_type__indices_i7', 'index_type__indices_i5', ) samples_qs = Sample.objects.select_related( 'library_protocol', 'read_length', 'index_type', ).prefetch_related( 'index_type__indices_i7', 'index_type__indices_i5', ).filter( Q(is_pooled=False) & (Q(status=2) | Q(status=-2)) ).only( 'id', 'name', 'barcode', 'index_i7', 'index_i5', 'sequencing_depth', 'library_protocol__name', 'read_length__id', 'index_type__id', 'index_type__format', 'index_type__indices_i7', 'index_type__indices_i5', ) queryset = Request.objects.prefetch_related( Prefetch('libraries', queryset=libraries_qs), Prefetch('samples', queryset=samples_qs), ) serializer = IndexGeneratorSerializer(queryset, many=True) data = list(itertools.chain(* data = sorted(data, key=lambda x: x['barcode'][3:]) return Response(data)
[docs] @action(methods=['post'], detail=False) def generate_indices(self, request): """ Generate indices for given libraries and samples. """ libraries = json.loads('libraries', '[]')) samples = json.loads('samples', '[]')) start_coord ='start_coord', None) direction ='direction', None) try: index_generator = IndexGenerator( libraries, samples, start_coord, direction, ) data = index_generator.generate() except Exception as e: return Response({'success': False, 'message': str(e)}, 400) return Response({'success': True, 'data': data})
[docs] @action(methods=['post'], detail=False) def save_pool(self, request): """ Create a pool after generating indices, add libraries and "converted" samples to it, update the pool size, and create a Library Preparation object and a Pooling object for each added library/sample. """ pool_size_id ='pool_size_id', None) libraries = json.loads('libraries', '[]')) samples = json.loads('samples', '[]')) try: if not any(libraries) and not any(samples): raise ValueError('No libraries nor samples have been provided') try: pool_size = PoolSize.objects.get(pk=pool_size_id) except (ValueError, PoolSize.DoesNotExist): raise ValueError('Invalid Pool Size id.') pool = Pool(user=request.user, size=pool_size) library_ids = [x['pk'] for x in libraries] sample_ids = [x['pk'] for x in samples] # Check all indices on uniqueness pairs = list(map( lambda x: (x['index_i7'], x['index_i5']), libraries + samples)) if len(pairs) != len(set(pairs)): raise ValueError('Some of the indices are not unique.') try: for s in samples: sample = Sample.objects.get(pk=s['pk']) dual = sample.index_type.is_dual index_i7 = s['index_i7'] index_i5 = s['index_i5'] if index_i7 == '': raise ValueError( f'Index I7 is not set for "{}".') if dual and index_i5 == '': raise ValueError( f'Index I5 is not set for "{}".') # Update sample fields sample.index_i7 = index_i7 sample.index_i5 = index_i5['index_i7', 'index_i5']) except ValueError as e: pool.delete() raise e except Exception as e: return Response({'success': False, 'message': str(e)}, 400) pool.libraries.add(*library_ids) pool.samples.add(*sample_ids) return Response({'success': True})