Index Generator API

API operations on pools.

class index_generator.views.GeneratorIndexTypeViewSet(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: index_generator.views.MoveOtherMixin, rest_framework.viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet

Get the list of index types.


alias of IndexTypeSerializer

class index_generator.views.IndexGeneratorViewSet(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: rest_framework.viewsets.ViewSet, common.mixins.LibrarySampleMultiEditMixin


Generate indices for given libraries and samples.


alias of Library


alias of IndexGeneratorLibrarySerializer


Get the list of libraries and samples ready for pooling.

permission_classes = [<class 'rest_framework.permissions.IsAdminUser'>]

alias of Sample


alias of IndexGeneratorSampleSerializer


Create a pool after generating indices, add libraries and “converted” samples to it, update the pool size, and create a Library Preparation object and a Pooling object for each added library/sample.

class index_generator.views.MoveOtherMixin[source]

Bases: object

Move the Other option to the end of the returning list.

class index_generator.views.PoolSizeViewSet(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: rest_framework.viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet

Get the list of pool sizes.


alias of PoolSizeSerializer

class index_generator.index_generator.IndexRegistry(mode, index_types, start_coord='A1', direction='right')[source]

Bases: object

Class for storing fetched and sorted indices i7/i5 and index pairs.

static create_index_dict(format='', index_type='', read_type='', prefix='', number='', index='', coordinate='', is_library=False)[source]

Fetch indices i7 and i5 for a given index type.

fetch_pairs(index_type, char_coord, num_coord, direction)[source]

Fetch index pairs (Index i7 + Index i5) for a given index type, start coordinate, and direction.


Sort index pairs diagonally.

get_indices(index_type_id, index_group)[source]

Return a list of indices for a given index type id and index group.


Return a list of index pairs for a given index type id.

static split_coordinate(coordinate)[source]

Split a submitted coordinate into a character and a numeric parts.

to_list(format, index_type, read_type, indices)[source]

Return a list of index dicts.

class index_generator.index_generator.IndexGenerator(library_ids, sample_ids, start_coord, direction)[source]

Bases: object

Main class that fetches provided libraries and samples, checks the compatibility of their index types, generates indices, and assigns them to the libraries and samples.


Add all libraries directly to the result.

calculate_color_distribution(indices, sequencing_depths, sample)[source]
calculate_scores(current_sample, current_converted_index, current_color_distribution, total_depth)[source]

Calculate the scores for a given sample.

Score is an absolute difference between the sequencing depths of the two indices divided by the total sequencing depth (in %).

The ideal score is 0.0 (50% green and 50% red), an acceptable score is 60.0 (80%/20% or 20%/80%).

If the score > 60%, then the indices are not compatible.

static convert_index(index)[source]

Convert A/C into R (red) and T into G (green).

static create_result_dict(obj, index_i7, index_i5)[source]
find_index(sample, index_group, current_indices, depths)[source]

Helper function for find_indices().

find_indices(samples, depths, index_group, init_indices)[source]

Generate indices for given samples and index group (I7/I5).

find_pair(sample, depths, current_pairs)[source]

Helper function for find_pairs().

find_pairs(samples, depths, init_pairs)[source]

Generate index pairs for given samples.

find_pairs_fixed(plate_samples, init_index_pairs)[source]

Return subsequent index pairs from the Index Registry starting from the first one.


Find a pair of random indices I7/I5 for a given sample.

format = ''

Main method that generates indices.

index_length = 0
index_registry = None
libraries = None
mode = ''
num_libraries = 0
num_samples = 0

Construct a list of all records and their indices.

samples = None
static sort_indices(indices)[source]

Sort indices I7/I5 by ID.

static sort_pairs(pairs)[source]

Sort index pairs (only by Index I7 ID).

static sort_sequencing_depths(depths)[source]

Sort sequencing depths to improve the result.


Check the compatibility of provided libraries and samples.